Open Source CMS Developer News Oct 2 2023
A weekly report of the latest industry news related to open source CMS web development.
Open Source News
McKinsey Launches an Open-Source Ecosystem for Digital and AI Projects
Global management consulting firm McKinsey has unveiled its open-source ecosystem. McKinsey will showcase a range of products throughout the company, including advanced technologies and intellectual properties in areas such as generative AI, digital solutions, and cloud services.
The Hidden Licensing and Security Risks Lurking in Open-Source Software
Eracent founder and chairman Walt Szablowski explains what software asset procurement and management teams need to consider when selecting open-source solutions.
Web Development News
Angular 17 Due in November With Syntax for Control Flow
Info World announced that Angular 17, an upgrade to Google’s popular TypeScript-based web development framework, is due in November with template features, including a new built-in syntax for control flow and deferrable loading.
What Happens to DevOps When the Kubernetes Adrenaline Rush Ends?
The NewStack questions what happens to DevOps once the hype of migrating to Kubernetes disappears and adoption plateaus.