Open Source CMS Developer News May 24 2024

A weekly report of the latest industry news related to open source CMS web development.

Open Source News

Meta Releases Open Source React Compiler

Meta has released an open-source compiler for React. After using the compiler for over a year, Meta has now made it generally available to the public to enable developers to optimize code for performance. 

Linux Foundation Announces High-Performance Software Foundation

The Linux Foundation, a non-profit organization, has launched the High Performance Software Foundation (HPSF). The new HPSF organization will build and advance a portable core software stack for high-performance computing (HPC) by increasing adoption and supporting development efforts.

Web Development News

Introducing AKS Automatic, Managed Kubernetes for Developers

Microsoft Azure has unveiled a new managed Kubernetes capability known as AKS Automatic. The new solution will make working with K8s less burdensome without sacrificing its power and flexibility.

Top 5 Cutting-Edge JavaScript Techniques

The NewStack has highlighted five JavaScript for advanced developers, including Declarative Programming and Monads. 

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