Start an Activiti Process via Rest Script in CrafterCMS
Activiti is a powerful open source workflow engine built by Alfresco. Incorporating a workflow engine into your customer and employee facing sites and portals is an excellent solution for automating complex workflows that cross system boundaries while providing the user with a simple to use, contextual user experience. Working for a bank or an insurance company and need to workflow contracts with customers? No problem. CrafterCMS (an open source Java based CMS) paired with Alfresco is a perfect solution. It’s customer friendly, highly scalable and about as powerful as enterprise technology gets!
In this blog, I’ll demonstrate the most straightforward example of a CrafterCMS REST service being used to start an Activiti Process.
- You have Activiti ( installed
- The authentication and process are hard coded to simplify the example
Step 1: Create a REST Controller
- Under Scripts/rest right click and click create controller
- Enter start-process.get as the controller name
- Add the following code to the controller. This code assumes Activiti is deployed into the same container as Crafter Engine.
@Grab('org.codehaus.groovy.modules.http-builder:http-builder:0.7') @Grab('oauth.signpost:signpost-core:') @Grab('oauth.signpost:signpost-commonshttp4:') import import import import def http = new HTTPBuilder("http://localhost:8080") def user = "kermit" def password = "kermit" def authPair = user + ":" + password def authEncoded = authPair.bytes.encodeBase64().toString() http.setHeaders([Authorization: "Basic "+authEncoded]) def ret = null
http.request( Method.POST ) {
uri.path = "/activiti-rest/service/runtime/process-instances"
// uri.path = "/activiti-app/api/enterprise/process-instances" requestContentType = ContentType.JSON body = [ processDefinitionKey: "vacationRequest", variables:[ [name:"employeeName", value: "Russ"], [name:"numberOfDays", value: "5"],[name:"startDate", value:"10-08-2015 11:11"],[name:"vacationMotivation", value: "rest"] ]] response.success = { resp, reader -> ret = reader } } return ret
Step 2: Execute the Service
- Open a browser and hit the following URL:
Step 3: Verify that a new process instance has been started
- Open a browser and hit the following URL:
- http://localhost:8080/activiti-rest/service/runtime/process-instances
- Every time you run your Crafter REST service, the instance count returned in the above Activiti service will increase