
Filtering by category "git/page/2"

Using War Overlays with Crafter Engine

Crafter Engine, the delivery component of CrafterCMS is completely programmable with scripted Groovy.  You never have to write a lick of Java if you don’t want to.  Even dependencies can be managed with Ivy and Grapes. That said, from time

Using CrafterCMS. Github and Two-Factor Authentication

Crafter’s Git based CMS supports developers working against remote repositories like Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket, and others. Many organizations that use Github enforce a two-factor authentication for developers.  This article shows you how t

CMS for SPAs (1 of 4): Are Single Page Applications and Headless CMS a Slam Dunk?

From web-based applications like Gmail, Instagram, and Google Maps to websites like The New York Times and Facebook, real-world examples of Single Page Applications (SPA) are everywhere you look. Developers have been turning to SPA frameworks and architectures to create better, more usable, richer applications for their users. Nearly every Content Management System (CMS) out there purports to support SPA frameworks and architectures. In this blog series, we’ll look at SPA use in the CMS space to learn more about what’s working, what’s not and what we can do about it. Let’s jump in.

Content Management Meets DevOps (Part 2 of 2) How a Git-based CMS Supports Continuous Integration and Delivery

As we learned in Part 1 of this series: Content Authoring and Publishing; development and content authoring are both a major part of producing today’s digital experiences. Unfortunately, development support is not something traditional

Content Management Meets DevOps (Part 1 of 2) How a Git-based CMS Improves Content Authoring and Publishing

Traditional CMS platforms based on SQL and JCR repositories have begun to show major signs of weakness in keeping up with today’s demands for a high rate of innovation and rapid scalable deployment on modern elastic architectures. This is nowhere mor

Working with Crafter Studio’s API

CrafterCMS is a decoupled CMS composed multiple microservices where content authoring and content delivery capabilities and services are separated into their own distinct, subsystems. Organizations often want to interact with the content authoring an

Content Inheritance Basics in CrafterCMS

CrafterCMS supports content inheritance out of the box and supports it via a pluggable mechanism that allows developers to augment or override what’s out of the box.  In this article, we’ll dig into the basics of this functionality. What is Cont

Five Reasons Why You Should Use a Git-based CMS (Part 5 of 5)

In our previous posts we looked at CrafterCMS and its Git-based versioning (part 1), distributed repository (part 2), dug in to Git’s underlying mechanics to see how it benefits deployment (part 3)and we looked at how the support for&n

Five Reasons Why You Should Use a Git-based CMS (Part 4 of 5)

In our previous posts we looked at CrafterCMS and its Git-based versioning (part 1), distributed repository (part 2) and deployment mechanics along with its decoupled architecture (part 3)  In this post we’ll take a deep

Five Reasons Why You Should Use a Git-based CMS (Part 3 of 5)

Most CMS technologies are what we would call a “coupled CMS.”  The content authoring and content delivery environments are usually part of the same stack. The act of “going live” with new content or a feature is essentially based on the act of m

Five Reasons Why You Should Use a Git-based CMS (Part 2 of 5)

Since the birth of content management system (CMS) technology, well over 20 years ago, platforms have been leveraging “obvious backends” like SQL databases as a store for the content. Not because it’s the best or right store for the job, but because

Five Reasons Why You Should Use a Git-based CMS (Part 1 of 5)

CrafterCMS is a revolutionary open source digital experience platform based on Git. CrafterCMS solves problems from scalability and performance to ease of innovation that has existed in the CMS space for more than 20 years. What makes CrafterCMS so u